Friday, 16 October 2015


"The arrow shot by the archer may or may not kill a single person, but stratagems devised by a wise man can kill even babies in the womb." Kautilya- Indian Philosopher, Third Century BC. 
If only Americans and their allies will admit to their lack of understanding of the situation, their poor strategies and gross underestimation of Asad and their poor arrangements with Turkey for a quick fix in Syria and accept the extended hands of the Russians and Iranians at the security council and go in one accord to deal with ISIS terminally, then negotiate a political solution in Syria to address all interests groups through a confederation or something similar to it but far away from what was achieved at the Balkans it will save millions of lives. The Americans must also pressure their Arabic allies of the Sunni extraction to stop funding ISIS by proxy through armories they send to so called moderate rebels, Hezbollah and other radical groups who in turn pass the funds, arms and machinery to the ISIS. Americans themselves must commit to stopping any such practices themselves. Asad is no saint, I totally agree but care must be taken not to bring the Libyan scenario in to Syria; that will be very tactically woeful to all concerned especially to selfish Erdogan of Turkey who would want rebels trained and armed to overthrow a next door president without wanting to weaponize rebel Kurds who are resisting Ankara. I may not have all the facts as to how the regional political settings are comprised and the dynamics hitherto, but snitching aint good and can be counterproductive and boomerang.
Playing into every sides hand is as perilous as can be. On one hand Turkey is in agreement with the United States to train and arm rebels to go over and fight in Syria while playing host to the camps and intentionally leaving her borders porous to brainwashed militants and at the same time collecting money from the European Union to house refugees and block them from getting to Europe in order to win EU membership; some Turk need to stand up to Erdogan and tell him he is responsible for what happened to innocent citizens last week. Erdogan needs to chart a new course no matter the geo-ethnic and geo-political factors fueling his motives.All parties concerned and partaking in this war directly or by proxy must as a matter of urgency come to the table for talks or else a bigger catastrophe looms as Europe tightens its boarders and as winter sets in. Deal with the bigger evil, it will be in the interest of all, then fix Asad, for the good of all ethnic groupings in the equation; else a genocide like never before looms and responsibilities must be borne and their consequences exerted on culprits. The UN is overwhelming, I personally think another body should be set up to handle part of what it handles very inefficiently today, its almost becoming out of touch with the humanitarian crisis and situations around the world; since it is toothless and penniless, depending on handouts that are no longer sustainably feasible. A new organization should be tinkered to deal with some of the very devastating situations and challenges of the twenty first century. Its structures are so outdated and oblivion of the nitty gritty of realism other than idealism in most of their approach to providing and fostering solutions and unity; the organization is now self serving and needs a paradigm.

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