The statistics are not just startling but mind niggling and boggling. Americans have been niggardly in making the needed political demands for over a century and five decades and counting; because I do not see any sudden extreme deviation from what disturbingly is now the rule, because a people seem to have become ill enlightened, mal-educated politically at their own expense to the utmost bait of the political class in America. For the better part of all most two centuries only the Democrats and Republicans have interchangeably occupied the oval office in America. The fiscally and socially conservative (Republicans) and the fiscally and socially liberal(Democrats) without a balancing third that will be fiscally conservative and socially liberal.
Albeit over a dozen of GOP candidates are vying to replace Barack Obama and a handful of Democrats hustling to continue after him there are no third option open to the almost sixty four percent Americans who did not vote in the last general election, nearly three out of four legible voters; that was an unprecedented level of apathy in voters, because they are fed up with just two which honestly in my opinion is abysmal.
The 1992 election saw an independent candidate who was defiant and was willing to not agree to the status quo and ended up pulling in a little below twelve percent of total votes cast in that election. The insufficient two out muscled him in access to media coverage, beat him square in fund raising for his campaign, and pulled more electoral and popular votes; simply put, Americans did not give him a chance.

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